So it is with Christians. We are a passionate group, those of us who love the Lord. We love a God Who will always, always love us more. We know His mercy and we cannot understand when that mercy, whether perceived or real, is withheld from us by others who profess to love Him as well.
As people of faith, we know Love. We know Compassion. We know the author of Forgiveness. We face insults and wrongs daily from those outside the faith and it hurts. When we are faced with those emotions from our brothers and sisters, it hurts even deeper. We expect more from each other, forgetting that we are all human and we fall way, way short every time.
Yes, conflicts will happen among God's people, just as they do among those who don't know Him. But the difference between "us" and "them" is how we handle the conflict. Do we see others whose opinions differ as wrong and out of line? Or do we just see our brothers and sisters hurting and reach out to try to heal the wound? Are we even listening to each other? And why can't we each be just a little right? Because that would mean that we are also just a little wrong.
So what do we do when we are hurting? Do we, like David, seek the One Who always loves us (and always has and always will)? Do we drop to our knees and pray for the hearts of those who have wronged us? Do we search ourselves for any wrongdoing on our part? Too often we gather in groups to whisper condolences and offer support. We look to the Word only so that we can post something thought-provoking on Facebook. Or we sit and stew and grow bitter.
In Matthew 18:15-17 we are instructed to go directly to the person who has sinned against us. There are complete instructions on how we should handle the situation, yet we avoid direct conflict and interaction and only perpetuate the problem. Oh, we have learned so little. Why do we doubt the Word of God? Do we think that we know more than Matthew? We are so intent on winning the argument that we are afraid we'll lose ground and somehow weaken our own stance on an issue.
What can ever go wrong by at least trying to make something right?
It's not easy to admit our sin. But the thoughts that do not build up and do not glorify are just that, sinful. So go have a talk with Jesus, read your Bible, call your brother or sister, and don't post anything about it on Facebook.
Very thought provoking blog, Dolly. I could not agree with you more on so many counts. Are we truly behaving how God's Word tells us to behave or are we too worried about getting our own way or persuading someone else? If someone has a problem with someone, go to them directly. There's no need to put it out there for the whole world to see. What if the tables were turned? We are to treat our brothers and sisters in Christ as a part of the body. If we hurt them, we are hurting ourselves as well. We are all guilty in some way or form and need to be reminded from time to time to clean up our acts and redirect our attentions to the Lord and His Word. Our focus should always be on glorifying Him and His kingdom. Remember, the unsaved are watching how we behave. How can we win them over to Christ if we behave just like they do? We all have differing opinions; that's why we are placed together to benefit the body. We are not Stepford Christians and are entitled to our views and opinions. Just relay them and receive them in a Christ-like manner.