Saturday, September 30, 2017

Are You a Leader or a Princess?

Image result for princess tiara

Leading women is most definitely not for the faint of heart. Women have myriad dimensions, some healthy and endearing, and some...not so much. As we lead women in the church, the office, the school, or the community, we must be strong in our decision-making process while being sensitive in our approach. 
Not an easy line to walk- especially in glass slippers. We need to be willing to be with them in the valley as well as on the mountaintop and we cannot lead well from a lofty tower. Pin your hair up, Rapunzel, it's going to be a bumpy ride! 

Here are a few characteristics of leadership that may be helpful when building a ministry team or when selecting a leader. 

1. Leaders humble themselves. 
Take off the tiara, Your Highness!  Ministry to women is messy and hard and frustrating. It's also worth it. Don't think for a minute that the position of Leader is anything other than the person who is willing to inspire a team to do well and the one who gets blamed when it doesn't. If you are going into women's ministry in order to have the inside info or to be the one in power, run back to your castle now! 
(Daniel 10:12; Micah 6:8)

2. Leaders cast vision. 
Leaders who seek His will and His vision are rarely satisfied with the status quo. Yes, we can take time to be thankful for where God has brought us, but as we grow in Christ, our vision and our abilities should grow as well. We should look to the future in regard to our team, our service, and our role in His kingdom. We don't peer into a crystal ball, we are on our knees asking for His guidance in seeking His will for His ministry. 
(Jeremiah 29:11)

3. Leaders lead.
Leading is not dictating; neither is it the act of intimidation. And it certainly isn't about "getting our way." Leaders inspire. Leaders create a sense of eagerness within their team that causes others to want to serve and want to grow in their own walk and path toward becoming a leader. Leaders grow leaders. Leaders put aside petty difference and struggles and concentrate on serving the Savior. 
Effective leading always begins with prayer. I have known women who have led large ministries, yet who have forgotten how to pray. Praying women accomplish His work not because of who they are, but because of Who He is! And once you have His leadership over you, and His plan for serving Him, then be brave, be bold and LEAD.
(Matthew 6:33) 

4. Leaders are consistent.
No pouting here, Princess. No time for it. No place for it, either. In fact, if you find that your are unable to set aside your temper, emotions, and attitude, you may need to it's time to sit down. No sugar-coating, no maybe. Have the concern for others and the humility to take yourself out for a season. Seek His face and allow Him to speak to you and heal you. There will be other Grand Balls to attend. Right now, this is serious stuff with kingdom results. 
(Hebrews 13:8)

5.Leaders embrace change.
No stomping of the pedicured feet, my dear: change is inevitable. After all, if it weren't for change, we'd all still be unsaved! Scripture teaches us that we are to support those in authority over us and submit to their leadership. Granted, sometimes we see that the leadership is flawed; that's why we can withdraw ourselves from being under it and we can support and serve elsewhere. Ask Him to help you change (there's that word again) your viewpoint and He will bless your obedience. 
(Romans 13:1-7; Ecclesiastes 3:1)

I know some of this seems harsh and, frankly, it should. Leadership is not something we should tiptoe around and use passive/aggressive language toward. Leaders must be able to take constructive criticism and apply it without resentment or offense. (Maybe that should have been #6!) Biggest takeaway: if you're going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk - and princesses can't handle blisters. 

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